The Handmaid’s tale portrays how men in society today categorise woman into three different classes based on their age ????

“Which of us is it worse for, her or me?”

Feminisms is the belief in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. This controversial (topic..??) has given liberation to many, and in doing so, has gained a huge following from right around the world with people of all different ages, races and genders joining the movement. Margarets Atwoods, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, is a feminist dystopia that broadcasts to us, the audience, the way in which men portray women and ….. then to fitting into three different classes in our society; this being based on the males perception of age and fertility. Atwood exposes us to this through three different female leads: Moria, Offred and Serena Joy, as we learn how women are treated in the totalitarian regime of Gilead, which overall, teachs us how women are viewed in our society by our male counterparts. Leaving us with one question in the end: “which of us is it worse for, her or me?”


“In the time before Gilead, wearing overalls, an earing, one gold fingernail, and smoking” Moria was the definition of an opinionated feminist lesbian. Brave, stubborn and fearless, in this novel, Moria represents youth, beauty and excitement.


“I avoid looking down at my body … I don’t want to look at something that determines me so completely”


Ironically named after tranquility and delight, Serena Joy is nothing but. In her late 40s or 50s, infertile Serena has passed her used by date and spends her time tending to her garden in lieu of a child.


“which of us is it worse for, her or me?”




Feminism is the belief in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes and in this day and age it is a major talking point in which you can’t go 24 hours without hearing someone challenge it or …….. Margret Atwood’s, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, dives head first into feminisms and the issues surrounding it with contrivershial pages and confronting chapterers. Atwood uses three female lead characters to broardcast to the audience the three category’s woman in our society are placed

Moria – teens and 20s – dictated by looks, sexual beings, social influencers, object of sex

Offred – 30s to 40s – only useful for fertility – no matter how successful you are you are defined by if you have had children or not –

Ironically named after tranquility and delight, Serena Joy is nothing but. Infertile – 50+, passed her used by date, still wishes to be beautifulk and sexually desired by isnt really, what are woman used for if they cant give birth

Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. Hi Jessie!

    I look forward to seeing how this progresses post our discussion today!


  2. – Keep an eye on your spelling, Jessie. Be aware of this as you go through your polishing stage.


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